Angelo Caduto

Angelo Caduto

Angelo Caduto

Marble sculpture – unique artwork

The air enters the sculpture creating a new atmosphere that goes deep into the artwork, giving it a new emotion, a new meaning. It’s like art comes to life.

“The human being is not alive without the air we breathe… without the air , we would just be flesh, just a body…” Abele Vadacca

The artist, always in love with Italian white marble, realizes this work in Candoglia marble. The artwork represents an “angel” symbolically portrayed, after his fall on the earth, he looks, for a last glance, to the divine light. The pillow that welcomes him is made in black Belgium marble, represents the volubility of the human spirit contaminated by earthly deviations.

The angel, his ethereal gaze transmits an infinite sweetness, is at the same time an adult look, intense and full of emotional pathos, is realized exclusively realized in marble and semi-precious stones, the eyes are in Carrara White marble and blue Quartz.

The work is breathtaking when it is revealed, connected to the philosophy of the artist, that gives value to the absence of matter, the angel warms the anatomical shapes through a light that expands from the inside, the spirit of the angel; the only great value and essence of the cosmos, a transformation of the inner self.

The sculpture is a real masterpiece, executed entirely by hand by the artist in a year of work, he took care of every detail, the most delicate elements were made inside the water, bringing the material up to its maximum limit. The soft illumination of the forms is obtained thanks to a complete internal and external carving ( ‘scolpitura’) and an invisible lighting system. The artwork is technically make of a marble “skin” that allows a unique translucency, delicate and light, like a feather, a symbol so dear to the artist.




35 x 35 x 65 cm