


Sculpture in terracotta and metal oxides with marble base, unique artwork

The work is part of a series where the egg is the subject, as a symbol of Birth of Fertility of Vitality, and good luck. Represents the line between life and death. Used in the main religious artistic representations of history in various Western and Eastern cultures, it is depths investigated “Cotto Lombardo “ typical of this area, which creates unique geometric decorations connected to the most ancestral concepts of creation. The conceptual artwork is in terracotta (white and black, in this case ) and rests on an Italian crystalline marble base modeled in a fluid, liquid forms. For the artist, represents the alpha and omega as the primary concept of existence, the changes of its continuity. Its representation is based on careful observations that touch themes connected to DNA and the cycle of life in history. Here too, we find the principle of matter and antimatter, as the ‘Events’ Horizon’ by the astrophysicists. Conceptually it commends the intellectual and manual capacity of man as attaining virtue (gold). Only the classical bases and the art craft allow to express oneself with freedom.




45x30x25 cm