Abele Vadacca
The Italian artistic traditions
Abele is an Italian sculptor and painter. Winner of an Academic Chair, he devoted himself from an early age to marble art. He attained from the ancient Masters, the classical abilities and techniques of the Old Continent.
He works for a national and an international public. He exploits with great virtuosity the characteristics of the materials and uses science to build machines and technologies that help him to foster his creativity and bring with manual ability the subject matter to an extreme lightness and transparency.
Studia con attenzione la forma e dietro le sue tematiche si racchiudono temi metafisici, onirici e simbologie.
He believes in the “Job” of the artist. Even if his art is contemporary, he implements Renaissance methods, and he is obsessed by transfiguration from the real.
Nella serie riflessi “Reflex”, nata dagli studi alchemici e dalle ricerche scientifiche intraprese, ( dipinta su velluto in seta con polveri d’oro, d’argento e metalli preziosi recuperati dalle lavorazioni delle sue sculture gioiello) sperimenta una nuova tecnica come nuova espressione d’arte. Nelle sue opere, l’osservatore è individualmente invitato a interpretare le opere pittoriche, che cambiano con il variare della luce, in una molteplicità di sfaccettature.
Dreamlike and metaphysical, visible and invisible, matter and antimatter are some themes.
Uno dei simboli ricorrenti è la piuma: simulacro del nostro tempo, tacita e silente, annuncia la fragilità del nostro stato, specchio di un’evoluta e fragile condizione umana. Simbolo del ‘ Carpe Diem’ che riassume l’importanza del concetto dello scorrere del ‘tempo’ che condiziona il nostro destino. La ricerca su forma spazio e tempo è per l’artista importantissima e lo avvicina ai temi scientifici più recenti a partire della teoria della relatività fino alle scoperte in campo astrofisico.
Abele Vadacca, class 1964, student of Floriano Bodini of Tuscany, is immensely fond of Carrara for motives not difficult to be understood. The marble is his preferred material, and on the Apuanes he has met and known colleagues of the caliber of Giacomo Manzù and Henry Moore. Of the latter, he still remembers the humility of an artisan teacher that characterized him. Known to the public for certain mastodontic artworks, he is also dedicated to small and peculiar forms of nature – shells, etc.- . Of course, you will look in vain among the works of Abele for direct references to Moore, or other teachers, because his aesthetical character is so personal. Look on his website for all the variations on the already mentioned topic of the feather. Look at his monumental artworks, like the beautiful Maternità. Or to his pictorial works in which every time seems to give in to the temptation to leave the figurative, but at least the dive into the figurative remains faithful, not without giving new shape to its forms that result in completely new interpretations.Paolo MariniJournalist
After conquering Paris under the sign of the poet and aviator Gabriele D’Annunzio, now it is the turn of the heart of the city. The sculptor and painter of Valmadrera is now in all respect “bellagino” ( citizen of Bellagio, Lake Como ). Abele Vadacca is the protagonist in London with an important presence in the collective “Christmas Collective” important exhibition of international artists. At gallery Different in Percy Street.Lorenzo MorandottiJournalist – Il Corriere di Como
…he leads us to Abele Vadacca, born in 1964, the artist who knows how to make marble lighter than a feather.Paolo ArtemiJournalist - Itinerari moto auto
On 6 April will be inaugurated the marble sculpture dedicated to Duke Tommaso Fulco Gallarati Scotti, made by master Abele Vadacca according to the classical tradition. The portrait of the Duke will be added to the precious permanent collection of works by Comolli, Canonica, Albertolli and Villoresi.Qui ComoOnline newspaper
Venice before and Carrara after, and for long were the first and principal cities for the young Vadacca, who already before leaving 25 years ago, in his house in Calimera ( Puglia ), were he was born, he thought of himself as an alchemist, dominated by demons and goblins, and a solitary warrior of a new Renaissance.Antonio VerriJournalist - Bpp
Abele Vadacca is currently in charge of the restoration of the Cathedral of Milan. He is famous nationally and internationally for public and private artworks. Last year he worked on the marble portrait of Duke Fulco Tommaso Gallarati Scotti, exhibited in the prestigious gardens of Villa Melzi.My Lake ComoBlog
L’incendio ha devastato la cattedrale di Parigi: abbiamo chiesto al restauratore delle guglie del Duomo di Milano come si potrà ricostruire. Ne abbiamo parlato con Abele Vadacca, scultore, e restauratore delle guglie del Duomo di Milano.Monica CovielloJournalist - Vanity Fair